龚光万 ,艺名公言, 人民日报,人民日报海外版,中国劳动报,四川日报,四川电视台、电台,四川文化、香港文艺,美国中美邮报均有报道。 1992 年制作绘画艺术电视专题片《吐宇宙之气,纳万物之灵——龚光万其人其画》; 1995 年初四川电视台摄制专题片《田园画家龚光万》; 1995 年 7 月四川电视台再次摄制专题片《青年画家龚光万》。其作品被联合国、美国、日本、加拿大、德国、法国、英国、瑞士、巴西、新加坡、香港、台湾等国家地区的海内外人士及组织收藏。 1991 年 1 月在纽约举办第一次个人书画作品展, 2004 年山水画佳作《朝晖映黄山》以及《雨后云山》,由国务委员唐家璇作为国礼赠与印度总理曼·辛格和泰国上议院议长素春·察里科。 龚光万先生的绘画业绩已载入《世界名人录》、《中国人才专家库》、《世界美术》(华人卷)、《 1949 - 2000 中国美术选集》、《 1949 - 2000 中国书法选集》、 2002 年入选《中国画名家作品选》、 2003 年《荣宝斋》特刊、《中华儿女 众志成城—— 2003 年全国中国画特集》 …… Brief Introduction to Gong Guangwan Gong Guangwan, stage name: Gong Yan, also named Master of Wangyoulu, Han nationality, born in Yilong County of Sichuan Province in the April of 1955, graduated from Sichuan University 1982, and holding following positions: President, Sichuan Academy Chinese Painting The following is Mr. Gong's major professional practice: December 2003 invited by Foreign Minister Li, Zhaoxing to make painting in the Foreign Ministry of China; met with Li, Zhaoxing and Vice Foreign Minister Dai, Bingguo. The painting has been taken as Foreign Ministry's permanent collection. Jan.26, 2002 Exhibition of Gong Guangwan's Works, held by Sichuan Provincial Bureau of Culture, Sichuan Artistes Association, Sichuan Institute of Cursive Hand and Chengdu Municipality Bureau of Culture 2001 “Gong Guangwan Painting Collection”, published by Sichuan Institute of Cursive Hand October 1999 invited by United Union to hold exhibition of Gong Guangwan's Paintings in Geneva , Switzerland June 1995 Documentary“ Gong Guangwang, Young Painter”, made by Sichuan TV Station 1995 Documentary“ Gong Guangwan, Painter of Landscapes”, made by Sichuan TV Station 1992 Documentary “ Gong Guangwan and His Paintings” October1992 Invited by New York State University to hold second exhibition of his works and give lectures March 1991 Three painting of Gong Guangwan were selected for “War and Peace” Arts Exhibition January 1991 Exhibition of Gong Guanwan's works in New York Gong Guangwan has loved arts since he was a kid. He has studied painting, calligraphy and engraving more than 30 years and has built his own style. He studied master's philosophy but without imitating their works. He is good at calligraphy with cursive hand and drawing on flowers, birds and landscapes. Specifically, he is quite famous for his paintings of ducks. The landscapes he drew are mostly located in Sichuan Province . His works and practice have been reported by People' Daily (both Chinese and English version), China Labor's Newspaper, Sichuan Daily, Sichuan TV Station, Sichuan Culture, Hong Kong Arts, and Sino-American Post. His works have been collected by UN, Chinese painting lovers from U.S. Japan, Canada , Germany , France , UK , Switzerland , Brazil , Singapore , South Africa , Hong Kong , Tai Wan etc. His achievements have also been recorded in the following books: Record of World Famous People, Experts and Scholars in China , World Arts (Book of Chinese), China Arts Collection1949-2000, Works Collection of Famous Chinese Painters, Chinese Painting Collection in the year of 2003. |
龚光万中国画山水作品作为国礼赠与希腊国民经济和财政部长 欧盟14国大使接见四川中国画院院长龚光万先生 《朝晖映黄山》《雨后云山》作国礼赠与印度总理和泰国上议院议长 龚光万中国画小品展在成都举行 |
龚君光万画集刍言 |
读龚光万画集后 诗 七 首 心存千里外,又上一层楼 畅笔游神气自雄 丹青渺雲漢青史綴鴻則 我行我素 独往独来 纵笔以畅意 遗貌而取神 巴山蜀水田园情 |